Session | Experience level | Track |
Administering Exam Software: What Happens Under the Hood David Burch, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Steve Nelson, Marquette University Law School Apryl Betts, University of Iowa College of Law The administration of exam software involves much behind the scene work usually handled by different departments. Often these departments may not be fully aware of what the other departments do.... |
Intermediate | Technologist |
"Make no small plans" -- The Oyez Project at Chicago-Kent Jerry Goldman, Chicago-Kent College of Law Matthew Gruhn, Chicago-Kent College of Law The Oyez Project came into existence on a humid afternoon at Wrigley Field back in August 1988. In its original incarnation, it was The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Supreme Court... |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
ABA TechShow & Tell Debbie Ginsberg, Chicago-Kent College of Law Emily Barney, Chicago-Kent College of Law Elizabeth Farrell, Florida State University College of Law |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
All About CALI – Prizes will be Awarded Deb Quentel, CALI
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
An IT Evolution Tom Ryan, Rutgers, The State University of NJ, Camden Tim DiVito, Rutgers, The State University of NJ, Camden John Joergensen, Rutgers, The State University of NJ, Newark Change is everywhere. If you believe some news reports, the Law School landscape is especially tenuous. Budgets have already been stretched for many years and the recent changes in applications... |
Librarian Technologist |
Analytics to Find Opportunities Wayne Weibel, Cornell Law School Dan Blackaby, Cornell University Law Library Using Google Analytics can show you not only what is happening on your site, but also inflection points that offer opportunities to improve. |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
BePress - Introducing the new Digital Commons Law Network Kathleen Cowan, Bepress Bepress Digital Commons is delighted to announce a new database of open-access legal scholarship (100,000+ articles) that is curated by law librarians and their supporting institutions. |
Challenges of Securing Clinical Data in a Cloud-centric World Patty Furukawa, University of California, Irvine School of Law Doug Edmunds, University of North Carolina School of Law Securing law school clinic data used to fall under the full control of a local IT organization. A server would be installed; a case management solution locally maintained; and the requisite... |
Technologist | |
Classcaster in Theory and Practice Sue Altmeyer, Cleveland State University Cleveland Marshall College of Law Elmer Masters, CALI In this action packed session Sue will some of the cool things she is doing with Classcaster right now and Elmer will show you how you can use assorted... |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Cloud computing: customized library alert services for law faculty Michael Samson, Wayne State University Law School Library This session will introduce the audience to a single web page presence (any platform, any device) that provides real-time customized alerts (in over 50 languages) based on the teaching and... |
Intermediate |
Librarian Technologist |
Developing an Ontology of Legal Research Amy Taylor, American University Washington College of Law This session will describe my efforts to develop a legal ontology for teaching legal research. There are currently more than twenty legal ontologies worldwide that encompass legal knowledge... |
Beginner | Librarian |
Digital Access & Preservation for Video: Best Practices?! Sean Chen, Duke University School of Law Miguel Bordo, Duke University School of Law The Duke Law School undertook a collaborative process between staff in media production, communications, and the library to create, describe, distribute, publish, and preserve the school's... |
Intermediate |
Librarian Technologist |
Engaging Faculty in the use of Technology without using the "T" word Phillip Bohl, Pepperdine University School of Law Julie Tausend, Pepperdine University School of Law Problem: Getting faculty to think about innovation without invoking resistance to educational technology. |
Beginner |
Librarian Technologist |
ExamReporter – Building a Web Application for Administrative Support of Exam4 Brian Yulke, New York University School of Law Darin Phelps, At NYU Law, all exams are computer-based. Several years ago we switched to using Exam4 for in-class exams. Several reasons prompted us to change vendors, but moving to Exam4 added one complication... |
Beginner | Technologist |
ExamSoft - The New Way of Thinking About Assessment Presenters: Beverly Mindle, Emmanuel Pierre, Bryant Weaver ExamSoft is already the leading computer-based testing solution within legal education in the United States. While law programs already... |
Finding + Tuning Social Signals Marcia Dority Baker, University of Nebraska - Lincoln College of Law Roger Skalbeck, Georgetown Law Library Social software platforms like Twitter and blogs can be rich with good content, but they can also suffer from problems of too much ‘noise’ and not enough ‘signal.’ In a... |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Flipping Flop?: exploring whether guest lectures can use the flipped classroom format Scott Vanderlin, Chicago-Kent College of Law Clare Willis, Chicago-Kent College of Law This session will examine the “flipped classroom” teaching model through the point of view of the ad hoc or guest lecture, addressing the unique challenges in that context. |
Intermediate |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Flipping the Classroom in Legal Skills Courses Alex Berrio Matamoros, City University of New York Law School Rich McCue, University of Victoria Faculty of Law Adopting a flipped classroom approach can free up valuable in-class time in legal skills courses by recording screencasts of lectures that students can watch outside class while not sacrificing... |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Flipping the Law School Classroom: Using Technology Outside the Classroom to Engage Students in the Classroom Joshua Pluta, Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law Tommy Sangchompuphen, Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law The “Flipped Classroom” is an exciting new teaching model that leverages the wealth of available to technology to move basic lecture outside of class to allow for more engaging... |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Games Theory: Engaging Students Through Games in the Classroom David Walker, Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law Keeping students engaged in the classroom can be a chore in the digital age. Professors need to compete with Facebook, Twitter, Internet Poker, Farmville, Words With Friends, and probably a few... |
Beginner | Faculty |
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