Challenges of Securing Clinical Data in a Cloud-centric World

Patty Furukawa, University of California, Irvine School of Law
Doug Edmunds, University of North Carolina School of Law

Securing law school clinic data used to fall under the full control of a local IT organization.  A server would be installed; a case management solution locally maintained; and the requisite physical and software access controls would be put in place to protect the information.  With the introduction of cloud-based services, however, the demands of securing and protecting this most sensitive information have become more challenging. As organizations move to the cloud for storage of their information, the safeguards that local IT organizations were used to providing have fallen increasingly on the cloud provider.  But how can law school technology staff ensure the security of this hosted content? 
To complicate things further, there is a growing demand and expectation among end-users (students in particular) for synchronous editing capabilities (e.g., Google Docs), which they argue leads to better collaboration on cases. And the ability to share files with clients or opposing counsel via easy-to-use, consumer-driven platforms like DropBox,, and YouSendIt, make it difficult for technologists to propose other more secure solutions.  

All these issues are compounded by the ongoing challenge of user education, i.e., getting clinic students and faculty to understand and appreciate the need for strict security controls.  This panel session will offer suggestions on best practices and provide insight on how some institutions are addressing these areas of concern.  We invite any institution that would like to serve as a panel member to get in touch this spring!
Patty Furukawa
(949) 824-0603
Assistant Dean, Information Technology Services
School of Law
University of California, Irvine

Doug Edmunds
919.843.9208 office
Assistant Dean for IT
UNC School of Law


Schedule info

Time slot: 
13 June 14:30 - 15:30
See video

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