Digital Access & Preservation for Video: Best Practices?!

Sean Chen, Duke University School of Law
Miguel Bordo, Duke University School of Law

The Duke Law School undertook a collaborative process between staff in media production, communications, and the library to create, describe, distribute, publish, and preserve the school's digital assets. These include numerous recorded events and speakers. Promotional productions for news and information features for law school functions and departments. And productions to capture the scholarly output and life of the school.
With many stakeholders, needs, requirements this process has many lessons learned. Because of the nature of digital asset management, having a system doesn't mean having a software system, but a set of practices and guidelines that ensures that all the functions necessary to meet the mission are met. But technology and software are also important and help ease some of the friction in accomplishing the goals, some that Duke have used such as YouTube and its associated Google Data APIs and Drupal may have importance to others.
Digital preservation is often best described as a set of practices and institutions that ensure preservation, rather than a software system, and we'll describe the practices, software, and standards that we follow.
Similarly, we'll discuss the trade-offs and compromises made that we made in order to balance requirements and resources.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
14 June 10:30 - 11:30
See video

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