Bepress Digital Commons is delighted to announce a new database of open-access legal scholarship (100,000+ articles) that is curated by law librarians and their supporting institutions.
Representing over 50 law schools and over 120 law reviews, this new resource is one of the biggest open-access collections of law scholarship in the world and includes material from top schools such as Duke, Yale, UC Berkeley, Northwestern, Cornell and Georgetown. Showcasing law review articles, book chapters, briefs, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work, the DigitalCommons law network is completely open-access, meaning researchers will never run into paywalls or empty records—only full-text, open-access research and scholarship are included.
Please join us to learn more about the Digital Commons Law Network at CALI this year.
Presented by
Kathleen Cowan, Sales Manager
bepress Digital Commons
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