Accepted sessions

Session Experience level Track
Service Level Agreements: Evaluating and Negotiating Law School Technology SLAs
Ramsey Donnell, John Marshall Law School, Chicago

If you’ve ever read a technology services contract (and you do read them before signing, don’t you?), you have undoubtedly encountered a Service Level Agreement, or SLA. SLAs can apply...

So you want to digitize?: Maximizing the value of a digitization project
David Holt, Santa Clara University School of Law
Whitney Alexander, Santa Clara University School of Law

This session will cover how to make the best use of a digitization project in your library.  Discussion topics will include whether to outsource to a third-party vendor or select your own...

Speculating Beyond Available Evidence - Updating to Drupal 7 and a Look at D8
Jason Tubinis, University of Georgia Law School

Drupal is a content management system that many organizations, including law schools, have embraced to maintain their websites. Much of the popularity of Drupal stems from how customizable all...

Intermediate Technologist
Symposium on Justice, Lawyering and Legal Education in the Digital Age - Session 1
John Mayer, CALI
Ron Staudt, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Tanina Rostain, Georgetown University Law Center
Roger Skalbeck, Georgetown Law Library
Judith Wegner, University of North Carolina School of Law
Sunrise Ayers, Idaho Legal Aid Services

This year's conference includes a special bonus.  We are co-hosting with Chicago-Kent College of Law a symposium on one of the hottest topics in legal education.  Speakers will make...

Symposium on Justice, Lawyering and Legal Education in the Digital Age - Session 2
Conrad Johnson, Columbia University Law School
Mary Zulack, Columbia Law School
Brian Donnelly, Columbia University Law School
Joe Rosenberg, City University of New York Law School
JoNel Newman, University of Miami School of Law
Melissa Swain, University of Miami School of Law
Richard Granat, DirectLaw

 This year's conference includes a special bonus.  We are co-hosting with Chicago-Kent College of Law a symposium on one of the hottest topics in legal education.  Speakers will...

Symposium on Justice, Lawyering and Legal Education in the Digital Age - Session 3
Oliver Goodenough, Vermont Law School
Richard Granat, DirectLaw
Will Hornsby, American Bar Association
Marc Lauritsen, Capstone Practice Systems, Inc.

 This year's conference includes a special bonus.  We are co-hosting with Chicago-Kent College of Law a symposium on one of the hottest topics in legal education.  Speakers will...

The ABA's Revisions of the Library and Facilities Standards: What are the changes and what does it all mean?
Gordon Russell, Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law
Cindy Hirsch, Elon University School of Law

The Standards Review Committee completed the review of Chapter 6 Library and Information Resources and Chapter 7 Facilities of the ABA Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of...

Intermediate Librarian
The LexisNexis Digital Library - Access Your Library Anywhere, Anytime, With Any Device

Join Jodie Rosell from LexisNexis for a discussion of important digital considerations for law schools as more and more are facing the complexities of supporting student and faculty mobile access...

The Year of Living (with) Google
Debbie Ginsberg, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Emily Barney, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Sejal Vaishnav, Chicago-Kent College of Law

In May 2012, Chicago-Kent migrated our email system from Outlook to Google.  This process involved updating our email address domain (a project which we started in the previous...

Tips for Improving Web Page Design
Scott Frey, Western State College of Law

Update: The presentation slides are posted at  A supplemental list of links suddenly appeared as if by magic...

Up in the Clouds: Forecasting Legal Education Challenges and Opportunities for Data Big and Small
Kari Mattox, University of Florida College of Law
Jennifer Wondracek, University of Florida College of Law
Jonathan Ezor, Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center

Law schools are awash with data of all types:  from grades to student demographics, from bar and employment statistics, and from fundraising figures to salary details. Additionally, with the...

Using Bloomberg Law in Your Flipped Classroom
Vocational Legal Education in Asia - Innovation, Interaction and Information Technology
Wai Shun Chow, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law
Michael Ng, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law

Vocational Legal Education in Asia - Innovation, Interaction and Information Technology
Associate Professor Wilson CHOW (,...

What we (and better yet, our students) learned from using all the toys in the toybox
Jill Smith, Georgetown University Law Center

Grabbing and retaining students' attention in a first-year legal research class is a classic conundrum, not made any easier by the swiftness of a 5-week class schedule.  The University of...

Who Wrote This? Authorship and Semantic Web Markup for SEO and Social Media Integration (and Glass Live Demo)
Nick Moline, Justia

Slides are up on SlideShare as well as...

Beginner Technologist

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