Adopting a flipped classroom approach can free up valuable in-class time in legal skills courses by recording screencasts of lectures that students can watch outside class while not sacrificing discussion by beginning each classroom session with a recap of the videos and a discussion and/or quiz. This session will include an overview of the flipped classroom model, an account of a pilot conducted in a 1L legal research course, a demo of one approach to flipping a classroom, and discussion of how this approach can be used to create more time for in-class work on skills development in a variety of other experiential courses such as legal writing, trial practice, alternative dispute resolution, and clinics. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of how the flipped classroom model can be adopted to increase the amount of in-class time instructors can work with students to improve their lawyering skills, suggestions for how certain software applications and web services can be combined to successfully implement a flipped classroom, and talking points to emphasize with faculty who may be looking for a way to increase the skills development time in their courses.
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