Analytics to Find Opportunities

Wayne Weibel, Cornell Law School
Dan Blackaby, Cornell University Law Library

Using Google Analytics can show you not only what is happening on your site, but also inflection points that offer opportunities to improve. The intended user  pathways and 'obvious' links and navigation may not be -- and actually probably aren't -- functioning or performing the way in which they were designed or thought to be.  Analytics can help you discover when and where user testing needs to be performed, and where to place high value links and other navigation mechanisms to maximize site productivity and increase audience satisfaction (yes, that is a bit of marketing speak).
Including Analytics within any themed CMS (Drupal, Wordpress, etc) or standalone web page is easy.  Once the areas of interest, or performance, are identified, you are capable of running extensive change comparisons from within the testing framework of Analytics.  View your data and current tests in both real time and for specific time frames.
Real world examples from the Legal Information Institute, Cornell University.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
13 June 13:00 - 14:00
See video

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