Cloud computing: customized library alert services for law faculty

Michael Samson, Wayne State University Law School Library

This session will introduce the audience to a single web page presence (any platform, any device) that provides real-time customized alerts (in over 50 languages) based on the teaching and research interests of a law faculty member.
This page brings together a combination of law library licensed and open source legal resources (persistent searches/bibliographies and customized gadgets/widgets/feeds for BEPress, Bloomberg, HeinOnline, library catalog, Google Scholar, SSRN/LSN, WorldCat, major newspapers and journals) and several Google cloud computing products (Alerts, Blogger, Custom Search Engine, Drive, Google+, News, Sites, Translator, YouTube).
Goal: attendees will learn how to combine in innovative ways cloud & mobile computing products with traditional library resources and services in order to create customized alert services for the teaching and research interests of faculty members
Outcome 1: attendees will identify the advantages of cloud computing and open source resorces over traditional library delivery of computing resources and services
Outcome 2: attendees will learn about several cloud/mobile applications and library gadgets/widgets for the delivery of customized library alerts to any platform, any device, anytime, anywhere

Schedule info

Time slot: 
15 June 12:00 - 13:00
See video

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