Session | Experience level | Track |
H2O - Create Free Adaptable Digital Casebooks Dustin Lewis, Harvard Law School The Harvard Law School Library and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society have developed an open-source suite of online classroom tools called H2O... |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
High Performance Infrastructure and Slick Data --OR-- Is it smoking yet? Daniel Nagy, REVIEW
Intermediate |
Librarian Technologist |
How do you deliver?... An example of how technology has changed the face of meetings and collaboration. Shante Clark-Davis, Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law Asmara Tekle, Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law Stephen Zapatka, Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law Session Overview: |
Intermediate |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
How Do You Drive Innovation in Law School and\or the Legal Community? Chris Bombardo, University of Tennessee College of Law Phillip Bohl, Pepperdine University School of Law Tom Ryan, Rutgers, The State University of NJ, Camden What does it mean to innovate in law school technology? Is your school following or innovating in technology? What does it take for your IT Team to go from the standard... |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
How to Create a Distance Education Course Deb Quentel, CALI The ABA Standards dictate the number of online credits that a student can obtain for an ABA – accredited law school J.D. program. In contrast, LL.M. programs are not constrained by the same... |
Faculty Technologist |
How to Steer with 20 Hands on the Wheel: Tech Tools That Guide and Stimulate Collaboration Benjamin Carlson, Villanova University School of Law Lori Strickler, Villanova University School of Law We are often asked to take on projects that may be outside our comfort zone, particularly when those projects involve new technology. A substantial part of the process in any big digital... |
Intermediate |
Librarian Technologist |
Individualized Education: Using Online Tools and Videos to Reach All Students Angela Upchurch, Capital University School of Law Cynthia Ho, Loyola University Chicago School of Law Students have increasingly diverse educational needs. As educators, we must meet these needs and prepare our students to enter a demanding and competitive job market. How do you meet... |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Law Professor Blogs Network 2.0: Faculty, IT and Vendor Collaboration Paul Caron, Pepperdine University School of Law David Dickens, Pepperdine University School of Law Christopher Bollman, Round Pixel Studio After nine years, the Law Professor Blogs Network of 40+ blogs is undertaking an evolutionary (not revolutionary) re-design. A faculty member, law school technologist, and outside vendor will talk... |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Law School "Classrooms" of the Future: Teaching Legal Skills in a Connected World Larry Farmer, Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School The past decade has seen rapid expansion in the use of online methods to supplement, and even replace, traditional classroom instruction. The rate of change in education brought about by online... |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Law Schools and the Free Access to Law Movement Elmer Masters, CALI Sarah Glassmeyer, CALI Thomas Bruce, Cornell Law School I've watched the ideas about free and open access to primary legal materials bounce around law schools for the past 20 years. How have things changed? How have they stayed the same? Does it... |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Learning from Mistakes Barbara Glesner Fines, University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Law My Top Ten Mistakes in Using Technology in Teaching |
Faculty | |
Lecture Capture Has A New Name Adam Martin, University of South Carolina School of Law Will Monroe, Louisiana State University Law Center Lecture Capture Technology is no longer strictly for Lecture Capture. Lecture capture technology has been promoted for years as a one way medium. Recording classroom lectures, presentations,... |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Legal Education in Crisis, and Why Law Libraries Are Doomed James Milles, State University of New York - Buffalo School of Law Kenneth Hirsh, University of Cincinnati College of Law Abstract: The dual crises facing legal education—the economic crisis affecting both the job market and the pool of law school applicants, and the crisis of confidence in the ability of... |
Intermediate |
Faculty Librarian |
Legal Education, Technology, Law Practice: Intersecting Goals and CALI Projects John Mayer, CALI CALI is embarked on multiple large projects with overlapping goals. |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
New Jersey Statutes Online: A little better John Joergensen, Rutgers, The State University of NJ, Newark With the State of New Jersey considering the potential costs of adopting UELMA, it was important to show how the N.J. Statutes could be made available cheaply, and in an UELMA compliant manner.... |
Intermediate | Librarian |
One Less Textbook To Drag Around: Creating an Online Learning Experience for 1L Legal Skills Students Lucie Olejnikova, Pace University School of Law Cynthia Pittson, Pace University School of Law
Intermediate |
Faculty Librarian |
Preparing Future Lawyers to Find Their Inner Veronica Mars: Teaching students how to use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media for investigative purposes in legal practice Andrea Alexander, Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law Ellen Richardson, Boston University Pappas Law Library In an increasingly competitive economic climate, the hard truth is that many young lawyers will, either by choice or by necessity, go into small firms or solo practice. As librarians, we can... |
Faculty Librarian |
Reaching Students Where They Are: Ensuring Universal Accessibility in Online Instruction Susan deMaine, Indiana University - Indianapolis School of Law Ed Finn, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Since 2010, the librarians at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law have been teaching a required, for-credit legal research class fully online. Over the intervening three years... |
Intermediate |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
SCALEs, FAILS, and Epic Tales of Clinic renovations: When SCALE-UP goes from Student Centered to Student Censured Cyndi Johnson, University of New Mexico School of Law Tony Anderson, University of New Mexico School of Law Chad Covey, University of New Mexico School of Law The UNM School of Law recently received funding for a much-needed clinic renovation and technology upgrade. After months of research, planning, and meetings, we finally hammered out all the... |
Beginner |
Faculty Technologist |
Securities Lawyer's Deskbook Rebooted Sara Frug, Cornell Law School Kenneth Hirsh, University of Cincinnati College of Law Last year at CALI, University of Cincinnati Law Librarian Ken Hirsh and the LII crew cooked up a scheme to streamline the process of maintaining the Securities Lawyer's Deskbook, an extremely... |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
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