The “Flipped Classroom” is an exciting new teaching model that leverages the wealth of available to technology to move basic lecture outside of class to allow for more engaging classroom activities. Already a growing movement in K-12 and undergraduate education, the techniques of Flipping can be adapted to law schools, using classroom capture, digital recording, and LMS systems to deliver straightforward lecture outside of class, freeing time in class for discussion, simulations, and hands-on skill activities. This presentation will offer several models for a flipped classroom in a law school setting, covering basic and upper-level doctrinal courses, seminar courses, skills courses, and academic support courses at differing degrees of flipping: short lecturettes to introduce basic material and guide student reading at one end to full lectures online with class time devoted to hands-on work on the other. Then, presenters will share their experiences in running a flipped classroom for a Bar Exam prep course, where substantive review was conducted outside of class to free time for test-taking skills and practice exams in-class.
More information on the Flipped Classroom can be seen on an infographic at
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