ABA TechShow & Tell

Debbie Ginsberg, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Emily Barney, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Elizabeth Farrell, Florida State University College of Law

The annual ABA TechShow is one of the best places to learn about the latest in legal technology. In April 2013, Debbie Ginsberg, Emily Barney, Deb Quentel, and Elizabeth Farrell attended the show and learned about all kinds of new technologies (not to mention took home many new pens).  In this presentation, we'll discuss what we saw including:
· How lawyers are using social media to market their practice
· What Mac lawyers are doing to push the limits of OSX
· New issues in discovery – how lawyers are using social media and geolocation technologies (sometimes in unexpected places) to uncover evidence
· How lawyers are using mobile technologies to “practice on the go”
· The latest legal iPad apps
· How tech-savvy lawyers create compelling opening statements
· What predictive coding means for the future of discovery
· Just how funny David Pogue is
We’ll also showcase some of our favorite vendors from the show as well as provide some advice about how to get free stuff from them (hint: ask). 
Tech resources mentioned

Schedule info

Time slot: 
14 June 14:30 - 15:30
See video

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