Social software platforms like Twitter and blogs can be rich with good content, but they can also suffer from problems of too much ‘noise’ and not enough ‘signal.’ In a similar fashion, well-intentioned projects can stagnate without motivated contributors. In this session, we will discuss technology options of how to add value to our organizations by using tools to find and tune important digital content for our law school communities. Through case studies and analysis, we’ll examine some successful projects, as well as some failures including what has worked (or not so well) at our institutions. In addition, we’ll walk through strategies and recipes for leveraging existing blogs, Twitter content and other social signals for your law school’s benefit. Technologies covered will include platforms like If-This-Then-That, and Yahoo! Pipes to manipulate and curate content from places like blogs, Twitter and our institutional repositories. Along the way, we’ll discuss content strategy options for incorporating these sources on existing as well as emerging platforms.
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