All About CALI – Prizes will be Awarded

Deb Quentel, CALI

Do you know what eLangdell, LessonLink, Classcaster, Instapoll, Lawdibles, and Score Save can do for your students? Are you puzzled by which of the 950+ lessons to assign to your students? Do you know that you can modify any of CALI’s lessons? Do you know about the CALI Excellence for the Future Awards? Do you know that CALI links its lessons to correlation tables for many of the leading casebooks? Do you know that CALI has created topic grids which act as a taxonomy for a subject area? Would you like to be an author of a CALI lesson or a casebook? Do you know that CALI has a category of lessons called “games”? Have you ever worked one of CALI’s Crossword puzzles? Do you know that all of CALI’s lessons are peer reviewed prior to distribution on the website? Would you like to become a member of CALI’s Editorial Board and review lessons too?
Whether this is your first CALI Conference or your 20th, if you would like to learn more about CALI’s projects come to this session. Test your knowledge of all things CALI and win semi-valuable prizes!

Schedule info

Time slot: 
14 June 14:30 - 15:30
See video

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