Accepted sessions

Session Experience levelsort icon Track
The ABA's Revisions of the Library and Facilities Standards: What are the changes and what does it all mean?
Gordon Russell, Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law
Cindy Hirsch, Elon University School of Law

The Standards Review Committee completed the review of Chapter 6 Library and Information Resources and Chapter 7 Facilities of the ABA Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of...

Intermediate Librarian
Legal Education in Crisis, and Why Law Libraries Are Doomed
James Milles, State University of New York - Buffalo School of Law
Kenneth Hirsh, University of Cincinnati College of Law

Abstract: The dual crises facing legal education—the economic crisis affecting both the job market and the pool of law school applicants, and the crisis of confidence in the ability of...

New Jersey Statutes Online: A little better
John Joergensen, Rutgers, The State University of NJ, Newark

With the State of New Jersey considering the potential costs of adopting UELMA, it was important to show how the N.J. Statutes could be made available cheaply, and in an UELMA compliant manner....

Intermediate Librarian
Reaching Students Where They Are: Ensuring Universal Accessibility in Online Instruction
Susan deMaine, Indiana University - Indianapolis School of Law
Ed Finn, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Since 2010, the librarians at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law have been teaching a required, for-credit legal research class fully online. Over the intervening three years...

Service Level Agreements: Evaluating and Negotiating Law School Technology SLAs
Ramsey Donnell, John Marshall Law School, Chicago

If you’ve ever read a technology services contract (and you do read them before signing, don’t you?), you have undoubtedly encountered a Service Level Agreement, or SLA. SLAs can apply...

Administering Exam Software: What Happens Under the Hood
David Burch, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
Steve Nelson, Marquette University Law School
Apryl Betts, University of Iowa College of Law

The administration of exam software involves much behind the scene work usually handled by different departments. Often these departments may not be fully aware of what the other departments do....

Intermediate Technologist
How to Steer with 20 Hands on the Wheel: Tech Tools That Guide and Stimulate Collaboration
Benjamin Carlson, Villanova University School of Law
Lori Strickler, Villanova University School of Law

We are often asked to take on projects that may be outside our comfort zone, particularly when those projects involve new technology.  A substantial part of the process in any big digital...

Cloud computing: customized library alert services for law faculty
Michael Samson, Wayne State University Law School Library

This session will introduce the audience to a single web page presence (any platform, any device) that provides real-time customized alerts (in over 50 languages) based on the teaching and...

One Less Textbook To Drag Around: Creating an Online Learning Experience for 1L Legal Skills Students
Lucie Olejnikova, Pace University School of Law
Cynthia Pittson, Pace University School of Law


High Performance Infrastructure and Slick Data --OR-- Is it smoking yet?
Daniel Nagy, REVIEW


The Year of Living (with) Google
Debbie Ginsberg, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Emily Barney, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Sejal Vaishnav, Chicago-Kent College of Law

In May 2012, Chicago-Kent migrated our email system from Outlook to Google.  This process involved updating our email address domain (a project which we started in the previous...

Flipping Flop?: exploring whether guest lectures can use the flipped classroom format
Scott Vanderlin, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Clare Willis, Chicago-Kent College of Law

This session will examine the “flipped classroom” teaching model through the point of view of the ad hoc or guest lecture, addressing the unique challenges in that context.

How do you deliver?... An example of how technology has changed the face of meetings and collaboration.
Shante Clark-Davis, Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Asmara Tekle, Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Stephen Zapatka, Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law

Session Overview:

Speculating Beyond Available Evidence - Updating to Drupal 7 and a Look at D8
Jason Tubinis, University of Georgia Law School

Drupal is a content management system that many organizations, including law schools, have embraced to maintain their websites. Much of the popularity of Drupal stems from how customizable all...

Intermediate Technologist
So you want to digitize?: Maximizing the value of a digitization project
David Holt, Santa Clara University School of Law
Whitney Alexander, Santa Clara University School of Law

This session will cover how to make the best use of a digitization project in your library.  Discussion topics will include whether to outsource to a third-party vendor or select your own...

Digital Access & Preservation for Video: Best Practices?!
Sean Chen, Duke University School of Law
Miguel Bordo, Duke University School of Law

The Duke Law School undertook a collaborative process between staff in media production, communications, and the library to create, describe, distribute, publish, and preserve the school's...

SCALEs, FAILS, and Epic Tales of Clinic renovations: When SCALE-UP goes from Student Centered to Student Censured
Cyndi Johnson, University of New Mexico School of Law
Tony Anderson, University of New Mexico School of Law
Chad Covey, University of New Mexico School of Law

 The UNM School of Law recently received funding for a much-needed clinic renovation and technology upgrade. After months of research, planning, and meetings, we finally hammered out all the...

Developing an Ontology of Legal Research
Amy Taylor, American University Washington College of Law

This session will describe my efforts to develop a legal ontology for teaching legal research.  There are currently more than twenty legal ontologies worldwide that encompass legal knowledge...

Beginner Librarian
Legal Education, Technology, Law Practice: Intersecting Goals and CALI Projects
John Mayer, CALI

CALI is embarked on multiple large projects with overlapping goals.  
eLangdell is about electronic casebooks, but it's also about re-imaginging the course materials and pedagogy of...

Games Theory: Engaging Students Through Games in the Classroom
David Walker, Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law

Keeping students engaged in the classroom can be a chore in the digital age. Professors need to compete with Facebook, Twitter, Internet Poker, Farmville, Words With Friends, and probably a few...

Beginner Faculty

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