The Year of Living (with) Google

Debbie Ginsberg, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Emily Barney, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Sejal Vaishnav, Chicago-Kent College of Law

In May 2012, Chicago-Kent migrated our email system from Outlook to Google.  This process involved updating our email address domain (a project which we started in the previous year), migrating large email boxes, and navigating some complex legal issues.  
In this session, we will discuss how we planned for the change, how we implemented Google Apps, and how we trained our users -- particularly faculty and staff - on what was (to many) a brand-new platform.  We will also highlight some of the ways we are using Google Apps to change how we work collaboratively as well as how we helped users to get past some of the roadblocks brought on by the switch.  The changeover involved a lot of hard work -- and not everyone was happy at first -- but we have learned a lot in the last year and have plans to push Google Apps even farther in 2013.
Deborah Ginsberg, Educational Technology Librarian, Chicago Kent
Emily Barney, Technology Develoment & Training Librarian, Chicago-Kent
Sejal Vaishnav, IT DIrector, Chicago-Kent
Mohit Goankar, Chicago-Kent
Our Year of Living Google

Schedule info

Time slot: 
13 June 16:00 - 17:00
See video

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