Legal Education, Technology, Law Practice: Intersecting Goals and CALI Projects

John Mayer, CALI

CALI is embarked on multiple large projects with overlapping goals.  
eLangdell is about electronic casebooks, but it's also about re-imaginging the course materials and pedagogy of legal education.  
The Free Law Reporter and CourtCloud are about open access to the law, but also about feeding into legal education and access to justice.  
A2J Author is about automating legal process forms/flows, but also about teaching law students 21st century practice skills. 
CALI Lessons are about substantive legal education on doctrine, but also about formative feedback and interactivity.  
All of these are inter-related and I will use this presentation to explain the bigger picture and how it relates to the crisis in legal education, the use of technology in legal education and access to justice and how the teknoids community can and should play a part.  

Schedule info

Time slot: 
13 June 13:00 - 14:00
See video

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