So you want to digitize?: Maximizing the value of a digitization project

David Holt, Santa Clara University School of Law
Whitney Alexander, Santa Clara University School of Law

This session will cover how to make the best use of a digitization project in your library.  Discussion topics will include whether to outsource to a third-party vendor or select your own digitization equipment.  At Santa Clara Law, we purchased two book scanners (one Zeutschel Zeta and one Zeutschel 12000 BC) and two films scanners (U-Scan Patron Scanner) that are used to digitize materials for our institutional repository.  During the beginning stages of this project, we learned what mistakes libraries frequently make when embarking on a digitization project and what pitfalls to avoid.  Additionally, we will discuss how to create a digitization workflow including staff training and collaboration with library interns and other libraries.
This session may be particularly useful for law schools thinking about moving their student journals to an open-access publishing model or those with archival collections that would like to expose to a larger audience.  At Santa Clara, we spent nearly a year researching the various equipment options before making a purchase and can speak about what is currently available on the market and how much you should budget.    

Schedule info

Time slot: 
13 June 16:00 - 17:00
See video

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