SCALEs, FAILS, and Epic Tales of Clinic renovations: When SCALE-UP goes from Student Centered to Student Censured

Cyndi Johnson, University of New Mexico School of Law
Tony Anderson, University of New Mexico School of Law
Chad Covey, University of New Mexico School of Law

 The UNM School of Law recently received funding for a much-needed clinic renovation and technology upgrade. After months of research, planning, and meetings, we finally hammered out all the details. That is, except for one minor issue. How could we continue to hold clinic during this massive renovation? Canceling a semester wasn’t an option – at least, not a good one.
Come learn how we approached this project – what technology was a hit, what was a miss, and how the new collaborative workspaces, based loosely on the SCALE-UP Project (Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Programs) work in a clinic setting. While SCALE-UP classrooms are fairly common in STEM classes, we'll discuss how SCALE-UP principles were incorporated into the  clinic environment. Finally, time permitting, we'll unveil preliminary plans (dreams?) to turn a classroom into a clinic "sandbox".

Schedule info

Time slot: 
13 June 16:00 - 17:00
See video

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