High Performance Infrastructure and Slick Data --OR-- Is it smoking yet?

Daniel Nagy, REVIEW


There is an ever growing toolkit at the disposal of engineers and developers that allows them increase the usefulness and enhance the experience of online content. With that comes a challenge to both the infrastructure to deliver that content and the data itself. Delivery of useful, enhanced online content will likely mean more that just a bigger box or fatter pipe. Ever scaling the backend to accomodate the technologies, while nessisary is not the only, or even the best way, to acheive better performance and a richer user experience. This session will explore the art of creating both the delivery systems and the tranformation of the data itself to achieve a scalable, quick and robust environment. We will touch on recognizing your audience, and designing solutions for the delivery of online content that matches infrastructure to the data it is serving.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
15 June 09:00 - 10:00
See video

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