Lecture Capture Has A New Name

Adam Martin, University of South Carolina School of Law
Will Monroe, Louisiana State University Law Center

Lecture Capture Technology is no longer strictly for Lecture Capture. Lecture capture technology has been promoted for years as a one way medium. Recording classroom lectures, presentations, conferences/symposia and events, hasn't changed much and has left users tied down to hardware and cumbersome post-production processes that demand time and resources. The University of South Carolina School of Law and the LSU School of Law have innovated the traditional uses of such technology with Panopto's Lecture Capture Technology.
Skills based learning such as client counseling and negotiation, evidentiary objections, mock trials and several others have been introduced to this platform and the results have been phenomenal. Innovation in video capture and delivery will drive the future of classroom technology and transform education. Lecture capture is no longer the singular use of video capture technologies.
This session is all about this evolving technology and how lecture capture technology can be extremely effective in skills based classes.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
13 June 10:30 - 11:30
See video

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