Securities Lawyer's Deskbook Rebooted

Sara Frug, Cornell Law School
Kenneth Hirsh, University of Cincinnati College of Law

Last year at CALI, University of Cincinnati Law Librarian Ken Hirsh and the LII crew cooked up a scheme to streamline the process of maintaining the Securities Lawyer's Deskbook, an extremely popular resource, which was proving expensive to maintain by hand from year to year. Our strategy was to preserve Cincinnati's well-crafted navigation and entry points while using the U.S. Code and the CFR at the LII, which is continuously maintained with the most recently available source material from the Federal Government. Sounds simple, right? It was to prove otherwise...
This session will cover:

  • Our aspirations for the project (it should cost nothing, bring us massive traffic, and be launchable in an hour)
  • What resources we each had available (kettle; water; stone)
  • How we built it (painfully)
  • How much it cost (more)
  • How we each benefitted from the collaboration (a lot, actually)
  • How others might do this, too (FTW!)


Schedule info

Time slot: 
13 June 14:30 - 15:30
See video

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