Accepted sessions
Session | Experience level | Track |
14 Ways You Didn’t Know You Could Use Oyez Allie Bernstein, Matthew Gruhn If you use Oyez, you must know it inside and out. You know all there is to know about Oyez, right? Wrong. |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian |
A2J Author Course Project: Equipping Students with Core Competencies and Lowering Barriers to Justice Alex Rabanal, Jessica Frank, Carrie Hagan The A2J Author Course Project ("Project") is a groundbreaking initiative that supports and promotes the teaching of A2J Author in law schools across the country to help lower barriers to... |
Beginner | Faculty |
Active Learning in the Law School Classroom: Tips and Technology to Help Create and Sustain It Karen Lundquist From our own life experiences, we know that hands-on learning is best. We can listen to someone explain to us how to hit a backhand, or use a function in Word or on our computer, or bake a cake,... |
Beginner | Faculty |
Adjusting To the New Legal Research Paradigm: Best Practices For Search Engine Optimization For Legal Scholarship Todd Venie, Avery Le, Taryn Marks Nobody scrolls past the break. Nobody clicks to the second page of search results. With almost everyone conducting legal research online, a potentially groundbreaking article can remain unread if... |
Intermediate | Librarian |
Bad Traffic, Malicious Actors, and Existential Angst. Daniel Nagy Session will cover a rework of the CALI infrastructure after upgrading to Drupal 7. Discussed topics will be what bad traffic looks like, how it manifests on individual services (such as a... |
Intermediate | Technologist |
Bloomberg Law: Enhancing Students’ Practice Skills and Marketability with Legal Technology Sarah Glassmeyer Learn how Bloomberg Law is revolutionizing the way lawyers do business and the way law students become practice ready. We will also highlight how students can leverage the power of Bloomberg Law... |
Beginner | |
CALI's SuperFuture - Creating Agency as a Business Model John Mayer There is a lot going on in legal education these days and CALI is struggling, just like law schools, to remain relevant, viable and future-thinking. Did you ever wonder why so many CALI... |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
Camtasia Boot Camp Jill Smith Are you thinking of creating a screen-cast video? Have you tried screencasting and found it baffling? Have you successfully created a screen cast and want to improve the quality of your finished... |
Intermediate | |
Clinic-Library Collaborations to Increase Adoption of Instructional and Law Practice Technologies in Clinics Alex Berrio Matamoros Many law librarians have studied instructional design and teaching techniques in library school, taught hands-on experiential research courses using various technology tools, or taken online... |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian |
Competencies and Rubrics and Communities, Oh My! Janelle Beitz, David Herding, Chad Johnson In January 2015, William Mitchell College of Law welcomed a cohort of 80+ students to the first online/face-to-face hybrid, ABA-accredited J.D. program for an intensive “Preparation Week,... |
Intermediate | Faculty |
Creating an Optimal Online Learning Environment from Scratch in the New Frontier Jason Fiske, William Byrnes Associate Dean William Byrnes, a pioneer in online legal education, will be co-presenting with Director Jason Fiske. Dean Byrnes will be discussing the optimal pedagogy for online legal... |
Intermediate | Faculty |
Curiosity, Creative Play, and Proactive Innovation Chris Bombardo, Jamie Wilson Technology is advancing and mutating so rapidly that it’s often a challenge for tech professionals to keep up, much less the non-technical people we support. This presents a huge opportunity... |
Beginner | Technologist |
Data-Driven Transformation - Using Technology to Promote a Culture of Assessment in Legal Education Michael Vogt, Phillip Bohl Abstract: Legal education is undergoing a transformation. Assessing institutional effectiveness is a growing concern for the ABA and was the subject of several new accreditation standards that... |
Beginner |
Faculty Technologist |
Distance Learning Best Practice Recommendations for Legal Education: The Road Travelled & The Journey Yet Ahead William Byrnes, Jason Fiske The Work Group of Distance Learning for Legal Education (Work Group) is pleased to have the opportunity to share with the academy its Best Practice... |
Intermediate | Faculty |
Distruptalicious Legal Instruction: A year of learning outcomes and multiple assessments Jenny Wondracek, Eric Porterfield, Beth Donahue The new ABA standards require law schools to incorporate learning outcomes into all of their credit bearing courses (Standard 302) and to utilize both formative and summative assessments to... |
Intermediate |
Faculty Librarian |
Easier Linking of Legal Documents: The Work of the OASIS Legal Citation Technical Committee John Heywood The OASIS Legal Citation Markup Technical Committee has been hard at work creating a markup standard for all legal citations worldwide. This is an effort to work with all kinds of citations styles... |
Intermediate |
Faculty Librarian |
Enough to be Dangerous: 00000110 Things Every Beginner Needs to Know about Coding Jason Tubinis, Leslie Grove You can code; you just may not know it yet. This presentation will cover the fundamentals of coding by looking at some of the most popular and important programming languages used today. By... |
Intermediate |
Librarian Technologist |
Explanatory Parentheticals (Consistently Ubiquitous, Easily Harvested, and Grossly Underutilized) Pablo Arredondo Lawyers and judges alike rely on explanatory parentheticals to concisely convey the substance of a decision. Indeed, the common law is infested with these case-summarizing parentheticals.... |
Intermediate |
Librarian Technologist |
Future Blogger Meetup Sarah Glassmeyer, Elmer Masters Has the golden age of legal ed and librarian blogging passed us by? NO, WE SAY. NO. |
Beginner |
Faculty Librarian Technologist |
How To Do Everything With LibGuides Sharon Bradley, Robert O'Leary LibGuides are particularly associated with library research guides but they can be so much more. Many member institutions have LibGuides accounts but may not appreciate the vast potential of the... |
Intermediate | Librarian |