Explanatory Parentheticals (Consistently Ubiquitous, Easily Harvested, and Grossly Underutilized)


Lawyers and judges alike rely on explanatory parentheticals to concisely convey the substance of a decision.  Indeed, the common law is infested with these case-summarizing parentheticals. 
Because these parentheticals follow a common format, including the use of an introductory gerund - (holding, (distinguishing, (rejecting, etc. - they are amenable to automated extraction.  During an ongoing fellowship project at Stanford CodeX, the speaker extracted hundreds of thousands of explanatory parentheticals from federal case law.   
Concise case summaries written by judges have many uses including enabling a curation of opinions that is at once automated, nuanced, and trustworthy.  The parenthethicals can also enable an auto-populated citator tool that, though limited in coverage, is not limited treatment to strongly negative treatment.  
The proposed session would briefly discuss the process of harvesting the parentheticals before focusing on the insights, practical tools, enabled by the harvest.  The session would include a live demonstation of the parentheticals in action on a legal research platform and (ideally) audience-driven brainstorming of other potential uses.  

Schedule info

Time slot: 
19 June 14:30 - 15:30
See video