
Connecting the Dots: Improving user experience through continuous feedback and action

Understanding user needs and meeting those needs is critical to building services for your students. However, too often we talk about usability testing, analytics and other methods of assessing user needs without connecting them to existing goals, processes, and services. Often we use usability as code for improving the website, but feedback from students can inform everything from how they access online resources to whether they are learning what they need in legal research classes.



Schedule info

Time slot: 
19 June 14:30 - 15:30
WCC 2019

Pretty Big Data: Data visualization mechanisms for scholarship and marketing

Arrest rates across the U.S. The impact of declining endowment funds on discretionary spending. The proportion of students taking legal research courses. What do these topics have in common? They're best communicated visually. In this program we will navigate various data visualization tools (from pie charts to infographics to GIS Mapping) and explain how to match tools to your type of data and audience. This program will feature live demonstrations and provide best practices for visual numerical display.

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