Slides are up on SlideShare as well as attached. Video is up on YouTube.
Authorship has been a big push by Search Engines and Social Networking sites for the last couple of years. Every Search Engine supports some sort of markup to indicate who on their social network wrote pages of content on the web.
In this talk I'll explain what Authorship Markup is, why it is important, and how it works for each of the major social networks and search engines, and explain what you need to do to mark your own content up so that spiders and social media sites know you are the one that wrote your content.
While we are at it, we will talk about rich snippets and using Semantic markup to control how your content looks when it shows up in Search and when it is shared on Social Media sites.
At the end of my session I'll be giving a live demonstration of Google Glass
I promise, it actually does fit in the topic, as I will be focusing on Google Glass' integration into Google Now which is based on the Knowledge Graph which is based on data types. But if there is time I will demo as much of the features of glass as I can!
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