Building a Record with E-Portfolios
Electronic portfolios, or E-portfolios, represent a new and different way for law students to capture and share the body of work they create during their law school careers. Students and professionals in the creative and design arts, such as fine arts, theater, and architecture, have traditionally created portfolios that are representations of their work product. Portfolios show the maturing and development of a student’s skills and ideas over time. As it becomes increasingly important for law students to distinguish themselves in a contracting legal market, the use of E-portfolios may be an important tool to assist in the effort.
The presentation will discuss the potential contents of typical E-portfolios and consider some of the available products – both dedicated portfolio builders and more generic digital products that may be adapted for building portfolios.
Michael Samson's Blog and Demo of Portfolio with Google Apps:
Screen capture of Nuveen iWebfolio as shown in the session:
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