You think it, we'll build it!

Chris Bombardo, Mercer University School of Law
Chris Osier, Mercer University School of Law
Michael DellaDonna, Mercer University School of Law

Web, stand-alone, middleware we have built them all. Faculty, staff, administration, and students we have worked with them all. Now it is time for Mercer Law School IT to showcase some of the in-house applications we have built.  We will show some of our long running items that continue to grow, such as our student portal.  Our new answer and question database we started with this semester. Finally, we will also present some of the application we are working on with our Moot Court teams and bar review class. 

Update: The session is going to cover a couple really cool and different projects we completed or are working on at Mercer Law School.  Such as our electronic jury feedback system.  The electronic jury is a combination of Phidget parts, a bit of programming, and video camera.

If we have enough time in the session we may even show you how to make you very own web based garage door status, opener, and closer with Phidgets or Arduino boards.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
22 June 13:00 - 14:00