
Website Optimization for Fun and Non-Profit


Did you know that the speed of your website can have a direct impact on your visitor's perception of your brand?  If your site is slow, then you may be more generally viewed as sluggish.  A savings of even .1 second on page loads can result in happier users who hang around longer and come back more often.  Speed is even more critical on mobile devices, where bandwidth and processing power may be even more limited. 
There are many tools and techniques available to help you speed up your site, and this session will discuss how and why to use them. 

Building Single Page Javascript Applications with Yeoman, Node and Angular


HTML 5, CSS3, and Javascript are an increasingly important part of developing applications for use on the web.  While there are many different competing frameworks for use in this rapidly expanding supernova there are some clear leaders emerging.  This presentation will discuss and demonstrate how to bootstrap a javascript application running using Yeoman, Angular, CoffeeScript, Jade, and Mongoose. 

Schedule info

Time slot: 
21 June 12:00 - 13:00
WCC 2009
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