software development

Law in the Wild: Citation extraction service and Glassware


I recently developed software to extract legal citations from text based documents and images, setting up the software as a web accessible service.  It began with a single in-house use, but was quickly realized to have further possibilities.  Setting up the software as a Web Service allowed for varied integration and platform development; browser plugin, webform, Google Glassware, use in other scripts, an Apache Solr plugin, and will eventually include a mobile app.

Building Single Page Javascript Applications with Yeoman, Node and Angular


HTML 5, CSS3, and Javascript are an increasingly important part of developing applications for use on the web.  While there are many different competing frameworks for use in this rapidly expanding supernova there are some clear leaders emerging.  This presentation will discuss and demonstrate how to bootstrap a javascript application running using Yeoman, Angular, CoffeeScript, Jade, and Mongoose. 

Schedule info

Time slot: 
21 June 12:00 - 13:00
WCC 2009
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