
Partnering to Create Effective Online Legal Instruction

When developing online legal education programs that meet new American Bar Association (ABA) standards, it becomes necessary to challenge the traditional model of legal instruction. The McKinney Law School at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) partnered with IU teaching and learning professionals to redesign face-to-face courses for inclusion in a fully-online certificate program.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
19 June 14:30 - 15:30
See video

Time-Shifting in the Age of Dr. Who: Designing Interactive Asynchronous Skills and Seminar Courses

            Working with course designers provided by Indiana University through its IU Online initiative, we are designing fully asynchronous online classes to replace live skills and seminar experiences.  The tools available for asynchronous communication offer greater flexibility in terms of the type and amount of interaction among the students; between the instructor and the students; and between the students and the course materials.  Asynchronous teaching creates a robust set of artifacts for assessing student performanc

Slides and Documents: 

Schedule info

Time slot: 
19 June 13:00 - 14:00
See video

Enough to be Dangerous: 00000110 Things Every Beginner Needs to Know about Coding


You can code; you just may not know it yet.  This presentation will cover the fundamentals of coding by looking at some of the most popular and important programming languages used today. By looking at different examples and the ways in which they share key commonalities, participants will learn about the concepts necessary to read and understand a block of code. We will include conclude with an opportunity for participants to create and execute a simple script (please bring your laptop if you’d like to get some hands-on coding experience).

Schedule info

Time slot: 
20 June 10:30 - 11:30
See video
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