
ABA Library Standards: Building an Assessment Toolkit


Join us in a discussion of meaningful library assessment –implementing tools (i.e. LSSSE, ABA Takeoffs, Surveys, focus groups) to assess the library success in meeting the ABA standards requirement that the library “provides support through expertise, resources, and services adequate to enable the law school to carry out its program of legal education, accomplish its mission, and support scholarship and research”;

I Was Told There Would Be No Math: Basic Data Analysis for Lawyers, Librarians, and other chronic Math-avoiders


It’s OK to admit it. When you went to law school, it was because you didn’t want to do any math. But then you got to work in legal education in the age of assessment and big data, and now you’re swimming in P-values, correlations, and standard deviations, with only the vaguest idea of what it all means. How will you make heads or tails of all this data if you actually want to use it to evaluate and improve your teaching and service?

Schedule info

Time slot: 
19 June 10:30 - 11:30
See video
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