Technological and Practical Insights for Delivering a Hybrid Legal Research Certificate Program to Students


In this highly competitive legal job market and era of law school reform, law schools and law libraries must develop new programs to create practice -ready graduates. Some law libraries are now offering non-credit certificate programs to address this need. At the University of Denver, we developed a Certificate Program in Legal Research in the spring of 2013. The Certificate program is offered in a traditional classroom setting for our day students and as an online program for our evening students.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
20 June 14:30 - 15:30
WCC 2009

Making a MOOC: Instruction Beyond Physical, Linguistic, and Generational boundaries

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are gaining in popularity.  Individuals around the world are using these courses to further their knowledge about a variety of topics, including law. Librarians, as traditional information providers, instructors, and copyright experts, are uniquely qualified to participate in MOOCs.  Our three panelists will discuss their experiences, both as teaching support and MOOC professors. Afterwards, participants will break out into groups to discuss the concept of MOOCs and the ways to design an engaging MOOC for an international audience.  Ideas generated from the groups will be shared with the entire audience.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
20 June 13:00 - 14:00
WCC 2019
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