
How much fun was CALIcon13?

We want to know what you think. To tell us about your CALI Conference experience by visiting the attendee survey at Once you've finished the survey go to the agenda and rate the sessions (look for the flames).

CALIcon13 Live on Youtube

If everything goes as planned 56 sessions at the 23rd Annual CALI Conference for Law School Computing will be streamed live as YouTube events. The easiest way to catch the session you want to see live is to visit the conference agenda and click on the session title you want to watch. The YouTube video is embedded right in the session page on the conference website. If you miss the session live, the recording should be available from the session page with a few minutes after the live event ends.

Flipping The Legal Classroom Featured At #CALIcon13

The flipped classroom concept has been seeing a lot more attention in law schools of late. The idea is that students learn basic concepts outside of the classroom, typically through reading or the use of recorded lectures or lessons, and then come to the classroom to learn how to apply their new knowledge, discuss key concepts in depth, and demonstrate mastery of the material.

First batch of #CALIcon13 sessions accepted!

Congrats to the presenters of the 34 sessions accepted for the 23rd Annual CALI Conference for Law School Computing (CALIcon13). You can review the accepted list at and don't give up if your not on the lsit yet. We still have a handful of slots left to fill and that will happen over the next few days.
If your session was accepted and you received your acceptance email please share it with your co-presenters. The acceptance emails only went out to the person who submitted the session proposal

Deadline for Submitting #CALIcon13 Session Proposals Extended to April 12, 2013

It's hard to believe that the 23rd annual CALI Conference kicks off in just 68 days. 3 days of the best in law school technology, education, and innovation are in store for the attendees. The conference schedule has 50 sessions and 2 keynotes. Long breaks and meals provide ample opportunity for socializing and networking with law school technologists, librarians, and faculty. If you're interested in learning how law schools are using technology to innovate in legal education, CALIcon13 is the conference you should be attending.

CALIcon13 Registration Is Now Open

VIsit the conference registration page to sign up to attend the 23rd Annual CALI Conference for Law School Computing, June 13-15 2013, at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago IL. Join your colleagues from around the country to learn about the latest technology and education in law schools.

Hotel, Transportation Info Added

LaVonne has added hotel information and transportation information pages to the website. Make your hotel reservations at the Palmer House now and begin planning your CALIcon13 trip.

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