It's hard to believe that the 23rd annual CALI Conference kicks off in just 68 days. 3 days of the best in law school technology, education, and innovation are in store for the attendees. The conference schedule has 50 sessions and 2 keynotes. Long breaks and meals provide ample opportunity for socializing and networking with law school technologists, librarians, and faculty. If you're interested in learning how law schools are using technology to innovate in legal education, CALIcon13 is the conference you should be attending.
We already have a number of exciting sessions proposed and we're still looking for more. The April 5th deadline for submitting session proposals snuck up on some folks, so we've decided to extend the submission deadline until 9:00 PM ET on Friday April 12, 2013. This gives you a another week to get your session proposal together and submitted. To submit a proposal just login and follow the "Propose a Session for CALIcon13" link.
And remember to vote for sessions you'd like to see at CALIcon13. Just log in on the conference site and look for the "Vote for this session" link on the bottom of each session page. We use the vote totals to help us gauge the popularity of proposal and plan what room to place a session in. You don't need to be registered for CALIcon to vote.
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