experiential learning

One Week of Fun, Adventure & Excellent Experiential Learning - The Tribal Wills Project


Step outside the classroom to provide students with an opportunity for memorable pro bono service and outstanding experiential learning of the vital skills of interviewing, counseling and drafting, in spectacularly beautiful locations, while doing real wills, medical powers of attorney, burial instructions, and living wills for tribal members on Indian Reservations.

Active Learning in the Law School Classroom: Tips and Technology to Help Create and Sustain It


From our own life experiences, we know that hands-on learning is best. We can listen to someone explain to us how to hit a backhand, or use a function in Word or on our computer, or bake a cake, but it isn't until we try it ourselves do we really understand how it is done and do we learn. Law is no exception. 

Schedule info

Time slot: 
19 June 09:00 - 10:00
See video
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