active learning

Implementing Successful EdTech Projects: Don’t Forget the Pedagogy!


Are new educational technologies more effective in helping students achieve learning objectives than the old technology they replace? How IT professionals implement educational technologies, and how instructors use the technology can mean the difference between no impact on student achievement, and higher grades with more engaged students.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
18 June 13:00 - 14:00
See video

Active Learning in the Law School Classroom: Tips and Technology to Help Create and Sustain It


From our own life experiences, we know that hands-on learning is best. We can listen to someone explain to us how to hit a backhand, or use a function in Word or on our computer, or bake a cake, but it isn't until we try it ourselves do we really understand how it is done and do we learn. Law is no exception. 

Schedule info

Time slot: 
19 June 09:00 - 10:00
See video
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