William Mitchell's Hybrid JD: How Different Points of View Contribute to Make a Strong Program
William Mitchell College of Law is preparing to launch an online/face-to-face hybrid ABA-accredited J.D. program – the first of its kind. This session will be a Rashomon approach to a case study describing how the Information Resources folks – the Library and IT - at Mitchell teamed with administration and faculty to create it. From the pre-planning stages, to preparing the ABA waiver request, to curriculum design, Information Resources collaborated with faculty to establish methodologies to develop online courses and focus campus conversations on teaching and learning online.
The crisis in legal education puts stress on Library and IT departments to develop new ways to add value to their institutions. Library managers will benefit from the discussion of how the Library Director collaborated with law school administrators for several years prior to this initiative. Reference librarians and information technologists will benefit from learning how teaching and joining forces with faculty and administration can open doors to participating in the life of the law school in nontraditional ways. Faculty will benefit from discovering how teamwork with Information Resources can make creation and delivery of courses easier and more effective.
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Schedule Info and Session Details
Time Slot: | Track: | Experience Level: | Room: |
20 June 13:00 - 14:00 | Faculty | Intermediate | WCC 2004 |