A2J Author

The Next Wave of A2J Author: Law Schools, Mobile and Document Assembly


We've been working on a brand new, coded from scratch version of A2J Author which will be the new platform for the delivery of authoring capability for automating forms and processes for courts, legal aid, law school clinics and more.  Over the past 5 years, A2J Author was used over 2 million times to generate over 1 million documents for Self Representing Persons (SRPs).   It's time to take it up an order of magnitude. 

Schedule info

Time slot: 
20 June 16:00 - 17:00
WCC 3018

The A2J Clinical Project


The A2J Clinical Project was created by CALI and Chicago-Kent College of Law to partner technologically savvy law students with legal aid organizations to create document assembly projects for pro se litigants. In the fall of 2013, we successfully launched three A2J Clinics at Columbia, CUNY, and UNC Chapel Hill. We have three more A2J Clinics are being taught in the spring 2014 semester at Georgetown, Concordia, and the University of Miami.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
19 June 13:00 - 14:00
WCC 2004
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