Proposed Sessions

Session Experience levelsort icon Track
Ins and Outs of Creating Electronic Holiday Greeting Cards for Your Law School
Don Zhou, University of St. Thomas Law School

Many law firms and law schools have jumped on the trendy wagon of sending out holiday greeting cards when Christmas and New Year come around,  But you do not have to spend a fortune or ...

Intermediate Technologist
A2J for Clinics - Matching Law Students with Legal Aid Projects for Clinical Education
John Mayer, CALI
Ron Staudt, Chicago-Kent College of Law

CALI is engaged in the "A2J for Clinics Project" where we are creating a website that matches clinical law students with projects at legal aid organizations using A2J Author.  We...

Beginner Faculty
Data Big and Small: Challenges and Opportunities for Law Schools
Jonathan Ezor, Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center

Law schools are awash with data of all types, from grades to student demographics to bar and employment statistics to fundraising to salaries, which (when effectively used) can offer great insight...

Solutions to WTF Moments (Wild Translation Feedback)

Presenters: Donald Ford (Foreign, Comparative and International Law Librarian-University of Iowa College of Law / Matthew...

EZproxy Primer
Wilhelmina Randtke, St. Mary's University of San Antonio School of Law

This session provides an introduction to proxy servers with examples using EZproxy.  The goal is for reference librarians, or others with limited technology background, to get an overview in...

Changing responsibilities of the computer help desk
Kimberly (Kim) Wiseman, University of Richmond, The T.C. Williams School of Law

With changing technology comes changing responsibility.  What your law school's computer help desk was doing on a daily basis only five years ago is much different than the expectations...

Teaching Programming to Law Students?
John Heywood, American University Washington College of Law
Ben Chapman, Emory University School of Law
Elmer Masters, CALI

This panel discussion will look at the pros and cons of teaching law students how to think like a programmer and present some ideas about what topics and materials would be covered and used in a...

The M Word: Marketing
Sarah Glassmeyer, CALI

This session will have two parts: 
(1) an indoctrination into All Things CALI and demonstration of what tools are available for you to get your students and faculty members using CALI....


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