A/V Squad

Thanks to some great work from Jarryd at Chicago-Kent we are going to try webcasting every session of CALIcon13 via YoutTube Live Events. That's 57 sessions over 3 days. Needless to say there is a fair amount of work involved making sure everything is running as it should. That's where the Teknoids A/V squad can help.
I'm looking for volunteers to help make sure the streams get started in each room and to keep an eye on the streams during the sessions. Not terribly difficult but a bit dull.
So, if you are:

  • not presenting at CALicon13 (don't want to distract presenters from giving it their all)
  • going to be in Chicago by 5:00 PM CT on Wednesday
  • willing to sit in one room all day ( that's 4 sessions Thur. & Fri., 3 sessions Sat. )
  • comfortable learning new software quickly ( or if you know how to use Wirecast )

Ideally  I would like to have between 5 and 10 volunteers to help out with this. You do not need to volunteer for every day, although that would be excellent, just volunteering for one day would be a great help. There will be a meeting on Wednesday at 5:00 to go over details.
If you are willing to help out, head on over to http://conference.cali.org/2013/content/av-squad, login, and leave a comment with your name, the days you can volunteer, and a room preference. You can also email me the same info.
And fear not, the webcast will go on even if you can't/don't volunteer, we'll just be running faster.


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