Unbound? Unbind, Unwind, Unconference!
UPDATE: Planning wiki for this session can be found here: http://calicon2011.pbworks.com
I can't tell you what this program is going to be about because no one will really know until it happens.
Unconferences are lightly moderated discussions built upon the premise that everyone has something valuable to contribute. There is no "sage on the stage"...everyone can talk and contribute. As a practical matter, they're not that different from round-table sessions.
So maybe you've tried something new that you want to share but that's not enough for a full fledged program. Or maybe you have an ongoing problem that you get some opinions on. Or perhaps you heard an awesome presentation earlier in the conference that you want to discuss further. Whatever it is you want to talk about, you can do it here!
Amount of topics discussed and size of groups will depend on who shows up.