Experiences in Teaching Legal Practice Technology to Law Students
During the past year several law schools have introduced new courses in teaching legal technology and law practice management to law students.
These courses range from more technical courses such as Legal Document Automation and Legal Expert Systems to advanced courses in Legal Project Management, Legal Servies ReDesign, and Unbunlding Legal Services, and Social Media for Lawyers. Some of these courses are traditional in person course and some of these course are based on distant learning concepts.
All of these courses are designed to prepare law students more effectively for 21st century law practice by empowering them with the techical and management skills necessary for new emerging careers that require both legal skills and technolology and management skills.
It would be interesting to have representatives from several of these law schools describe their programs and approaches to teacing these courses. One law school that is a leader in this space is SUffolk Law School, locatred right in Boston, Another is Vermont Law School which is also pretty close to Boston.
A panel that would provide insights into best practices in teaching these subjects would be be very helpful.
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