The Accidental Institutional Repository Manager: A Review of Hofstra Law Library's Scholarly Commons Project
Hofstra Law Library has hosted a bepress Scholarly Commons since the fall of 2012. The institutional repository was created from in-house materials and Hein's archives of existing articles with the work of Hofstra Law Library's staff and administrators. The Scholarly Commons project went through several phases and workflows during its first year and to date has uploaded 2600+ papers and has had over 43,000 full-text downloads.
This session’s topics include: how to evaluate the best digitization workflow from among several options, staffing the project, writing digitization instructions, optimizing your existing collections for IR inclusion, learning what questions to ask of your vendor and a review of IR management best practices. The emphasis of this session is on the project management and implementation of a new Institutional Repository.
Session attendees will be able to:
- Identify digitization workflows
- Review a list of new Institutional Repository best practices
- Evaluate the nature and scope of a new Institutional Repository project
- Review faculty publication permissions
- Identify what it takes to be an "accidental IR manager”
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