[CALIcon 13 Presenters] Presenter update: Agneda changes, presenters' meeting, general notes

Category: CALIcon 13 PresentersRoles: presenterRecipients: abmartin@law.sc.edu, sfrey@wsulaw.edu, amedeiro@kentlaw.iit.edu, aupchurch@law.capital.edu, benjamin.carlson@law.villanova.edu, dn56@cornell.edu, jtubinis@uga.edu, jasmith@law.umaryland.edu, johnson@law.unm.edu, edmunds@unc.edu, sfdavis@tmslaw.tsu.edu, jjoerg@andromeda.rutgers.edu, gordon.russell@lmunet.edu, phillip.bohl@pepperdine.edu, amytaylor@wcl.american.edu, svanderlin@kentlaw.iit.edu, sarah@cali.org, a-alexander.3@onu.edu, dholt@scu.edu, rdonnell@jmls.edu, ssf6@cornell.edu, strickler@law.villanova.edu, pfurukawa@law.uci.edu, glesnerb@umkc.edu, mdoritybaker2@unl.edu, dginsberg@kentlaw.iit.edu, david.walker@lmunet.edu, schen@law.duke.edu, whw36@cornell.edu, ad4092@wayne.edu, lolejnikova2@law.pace.edu, wondracekj@law.ufl.edu, cbombard@utk.edu, efinniii@indiana.edu, jgmilles@buffalo.edu, joshua.pluta@lmunet.edu, David.Burch@lls.edu, alex.berriomatamoros@mail.law.cuny.edu, lvmolde@cali.org, jmayer@cali.org, dquentel@cali.org, sue.altmeyer@law.csuohio.edu, covey@law.unm.edu, julie.tausend@pepperdine.edu, mattoxk@law.ufl.edu, brian.yulke@nyu.edu, tomryan@camlaw.rutgers.edu, emric@bu.edu, paul.caron@uc.edu, david.dickens@pepperdine.edu, nick+cali@justia.com, kcowan@bepress.com, michaeln@hku.hk, dlewis@law.harvard.edu, chris.butzen@lls.edu, stephen.nelson@marquette.edu, ebarney@kentlaw.iit.edu, tdivito@camlaw.rutgers.edu, drb327@cornell.edu, rvs5@law.georgetown.edu, cwillis@kentlaw.edu, rmccue@uvic.ca, tommy.sangchompuphen@lmunet.edu, atekle@tmslaw.tsu.edu, stzapatka@tmslaw.tsu.edu, cho@luc.edu, ken.hirsh@uc.edu, cpittson@law.pace.edu, sdemaine@iupui.edu, anderson@law.unm.edu, walexander@scu.edu, jezor@tourolaw.edu, camilla.tubbs@gmail.com, jbolack@kentlaw.iit.edu, efarrell@law.fsu.edu, farmerl@law.byu.edu, cjohnson@law.columbia.edu, donnelly@law.columbia.edu, gsergienko@cu-portland.edu, jnewman@law.miami.edu, mswain@law.miami.edu, joe.rosenberg@law.cuny.edu, tr238@law.georgetown.edu, judith_wegner@unc.edu, marc@capstonepractice.com, ogoodenough@vermontlaw.edu, rstaudt@kentlaw.iit.edu, ebarney@kentlaw.eduemasters has sent you a group message about the 2013 CALI Conference for
Law School Computing.


We're just over a week away from the start of 23rd Annual CALI Conference
for Law School Computing (CALIcon13) and I have few notes for you. First,
let me begin by thanking you for joining us as a presenter. The success of
the conference is built upon the members of the community who volunteer to
present. Thank you.

In order to have access to the best and newest technology we needed to
switch one of the rooms. If your session was scheduled for room 370 please
check the agenda at http://cca.li/o7. Most sessions that were in room 370
are now in C50. No dates or times where changed, just the room numbers.
Again just check the agenda to see your current room assignment.

An optional presenters' meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 12th from
6:00 - 6:30 PM CT in room 210 at Chicago-Kent. We will review the available
technology in the session rooms and I will be available to answer any last
minute questions. This meeting is optional but will provide you with useful

Please make sure you review the presenters' notes at http://cca.li/ng. The
page contains a lot of very useful information and should answer most
questions that you have. I would like to highlight a few points:

** All of the conference sessions will be recorded and archived for later
listening and viewing on a website. Your session may also be webcast live.
Your agreement to speak at the conference includes your agreement to this
recording and subsequent access after the conference, including CALI’s
right to reproduce, publish, perform, display and distribute your session.
You can opt out of the recording, as one session already has, by letting me
know ASAP. Do keep in mind that the community find s the archive of CALIcon
sessions very useful. If you have any questions or concerns about this,
please let me know.

** You should review your Session description and your CALI profile to make
sure that the information is correct for your session and your profile. You
can edit both as necessary.

** Please upload your slides and other materials to the Session description
pages on this website. If you are on a panel, the person who submitted the
session proposal will need to add the slides and materials.

** Please plan on bringing your laptop or tablet for your presentation.
Each room will have connections to link your device to the room's
projection system. The display connections are standard VGA, so if you are
bringing your Mac, please remember the VGA adapter.

See you next week,

Elmer R. Masters
Director of Internet Development
Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction
emasters@cali.org 773-332-7508

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