[CALIcon 13 Presenters] Book hotel now + some notes about session scheduling

Category: CALIcon 13 Presenters
Roles: presenter
You are receiving this because you are listed as a speaker at the 23rd Annual Conference for Law School Computing to be held June 13-15, 2013 at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago IL. This message is long but it contains important information. Please read the whole thing. -------- THANK YOU for volunteering to be a speaker. The time and effort you put into your presentations is very much appreciated by myself and your colleagues. Your presentations are a huge part of what CALIcon such a great conference. -------- If you haven't done so already, please register for the Conference at http://cca.li/mB and make your hotel reservations, http://cca.li/nh. PLEASE NOTE that the special reduced conference rate at the Palmer House expires on Tuesday 5/21/13 so make your reservations now. -------- Now that we have selected the sessions for the conference the work of putting together an agenda has begun. As you might imagine scheduling 5 concurrent rooms with 10 time slots across 3 days is a bit of a challenge. We still anticipate releasing the initial preliminary agenda on Tuesday May 21, 2012. You will be able to visit the website after 5:00 PM ET on the 21st to see scheduling information for your session. A number of you have contacted us with scheduling requests and we are striving to honor those requests, but at this time we're going to ask you to please wait until the preliminary agenda is released on the 21st before making any further requests for specific scheduling slots. We are in the unusual position this year of having a completely full agenda very early on in the process, so scheduling flexibility is a bit more limited than in previous years. -------- If you are NOT speaking at the conference please let me (emasters@cali.org) know right away. -------- As always, if you have any questions, problems, suggestions, ideas, comments, complaints – don’t hesitate to contact me. -- Elmer R. Masters Director of Internet Development Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction emasters@cali.org 773-332-7508

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