23rd Annual CALI Conference Reception at Willis Tower


Enjoy the fantastic view from the 99th floor of the Willis Tower along with light hors d'oeuvres, soft drinks, beer, and wine. Your conference registration includes the reception.

The Willis Tower, at 233 S. Wacker Drive, is about a 3 block walk along Adams Street from Chicago-Kent . Use the Wacker Drive entrance (between Adams and Jackson Streets)

Guests must check in at the Willis Tower security counter near the entrance on Wacker Drive and present a government issued photo ID before going through the metal detectors and then proceeding to the elevators. Please note that due to security considerations sign-ups are required to attend the reception this year. If your name is not on the list at the security counter you will not be able to attend the reception.

The first 90 people to arrive at the reception will receive a ticket for admission to the Ledge on the 103rd floor for an amazing view of the street 1,353 ft below the glass floor.

Tickets for guests of conference attendees may be purchased for $30 for adults and $15 for children 5-12 yrs. Children 4 and younger are free, but must be signed up.

Deadline to sign-up is June 5, 2013.
CALI Conference Reception
Thursday, June 13, 2013
5:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Price: $0.00

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