Rutgers School of Law | Camden


Our event will be held at Rutgers School of Law | Camden

Floor maps

WiFi Network

Please follow common sense and these rules:

  • no unauthorized access (e.g., sniffing, hacking, port scanning)
  • no peer-to-peer applications
  • no insecure equipment may be connected (e.g., unpatched systems)
  • no downloading/sharing unauthorized copyrighted materials
  • no excessive use of bandwidth (particularly off-campus)
  • no interfering with normal network operations
  • Note: this is not an exhaustive list; please be courteous

We have WiFi available in all our rooms, and much of the outdoor area (outdoor signal strength may vary).

For access:

  1. Make sure your wireless card is active and connect to either rulaw-camden (preferred in Law Building) or oit-wireless
  2. Open your web browser and try to connect to any web page.
  3. Login using credentials provided.

Additional logon information will be provided at the conference.