Top Five Online Interactive Tools to Turn Legal Education into Legal Educa-FUN!


How do you keep your students' level of engagement and participation in your class at an all-time high when their brains are pre-occupied with the influx of laptops, mobile phones, tablets, and the like? That’s easy – use those same technologies to rewire their focus by incorporating those devices back into the classroom.
A demonstration and walk-through of the highlighted features of the following tools will be given: Kahoot!ZaptionEDPuzzleClass Responderand Socrative.
You can wow your students through “quiz show” game types with these designated free online programs and apps that are compatible with all the most popular technological devices to date. These tools provide attractive graphics and visualizations, animations, and real-time interactive response systems to create quizzes, surveys, videos, slideshows and other learning modules that will make learning mundane information both effective and fun. Even though these are law-school level courses, taking your students back to a part of their childhood through cooperative gaming can create a familiar environment that juxtaposes from the traditional Socratic method and lecturing styles that are often too rigid and pressurized for this generation of students. 
With these free, simple and easy to use technologies available to you as an educator, you can recharge your students’ interest by using multi-player quizzing tools as an icebreaker for the start of the class, incorporate them into your flipped classroom by adding an interactive assessment component directly into your slides and videos, or set up an exciting review session before the Final Exam. These tools can also be embedded into learning systems such as Canvas to make the transition between browsers seamless. Most will have optional assessment tools to track, grade, and analyze students’ responses.
What are you waiting for? Get ready to turn legal education into legal educa-FUN!

Schedule info

Time slot: 
19 June 09:00 - 10:00
See video