It's Time to Change the CALI Conference - Discussion of the Future of CALICon


This is the 25th year of the CALI Conference which started out as the "Conference for Law School Computing Professionals" and later just "Conference for Law School Computing".  The original goal was to bring together into one place, three communities of practice who were ushering in new technology into legal education - 1) Law Faculty, 2) Law LIbrarians and 3) Tech Staff (aka Teknoids).  Over the years, IT in law schools has undergone a lot of change.  There are many fewer "pure" tech staff and more in Ed Tech, Distance/Online Learning and Classroom and A/V.  The crisis in legal education and university centralization of services is resulting in significant attrition of staff devoted to tech issues (education, administration, network, etc.) and this makes it harder and harder to find and create a community of "law school computing professionals". 
After 25 years, the CALI Conference needs a serious reboot that reflects the changing nature of the ecology we live in.  CHANGE OR DIE!
This session will be an open discussion about possible futures for the CALI Conference.  What should it be?  What have we been getting right?  Can we even see over the horizon?  This won't be the only opportunity for people to share their thoughts and ideas.  We will be coming back to you for your input throughout the year as we plan for whatever the conference evolves into in 2016.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
20 June 12:00 - 13:00
See video